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Blog Post

  • Herman

Was Covid our Real Battle?

As the world recovers from the global pandemic which began in 2020, many people are searching for answers and looking for meaning in their human life. Surely these events, call to question how the world responds to threats of its existence but when we look to God's word, He reveals to us a more serious battle that is underway with eternal consequences.

The reality of Covid-19 has caused worldwide fear and havoc. We witnessed the most extreme, desperate and unprecedented measures unfold across the globe to combat this virus!

This demonic attack from the enemy first steals a person's breath and then attempts to occupy their mind and vision, in a manner as to drain that them of hope - as he/she fights to stay alive.

YET - the Covid-19 virus can only take mortal bodies and not souls...

Perhaps, the enemy launched this attack to draw our attention, focus and energy away from the bigger battle - the real one! It is a battle that not only damages a person's mortal body, but their SOUL too!

In this very real battle against satan (the enemy of man), his strategy is simple: penetrate and infect people’s hearts with a “virus” that will claim their body and SOUL...

This “virus”, also known as sin, poisons the human heart with pride, envy, selfishness, hatred, racism, favoritism, partiality, greed, lust, adultery, fornication and many other of its variants.

Currently, the world scurries around looking for an antidote and is estimating that the cost to immunize people around the world against Covid-19 is to exceed 50 billion US dollars ($50,000,000,000).

The cost for the real, bigger battle’s antidote is immeasurable in monetary value (Rom. 6:23), but already paid in full – paid in full by the precious blood of Jesus! (Rev. 1:5)

However, the paid-in-full antidote, His LOVE for us, is only effective if we release and infuse it into those around us. That same pure love with which He Himself poured out into us (Rom. 5:5). In John 13:34, Our God clearly states, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. The moment we dilute the antidote, it loses its value, intent and effectiveness! This is one of the reasons why the Lord Jesus will vomit out those who are lukewarm (Rev. 3:16; Matt. 5:13-16).

Here is our Commander’s (King Jesus) game-plan for us against this bigger, real-life battle:

  1. IGNITE! - Allow Him to ignite your heart again! Repent, believe and receive the Holy Spirit!

  2. PURIFY! - Purify yourself before God. Allow Him to baptize you with His consuming fire!

  3. UNITE! - Celebrate the Lord’s supper (communion) together!

  4. LOVE! - Love God and one another!

  5. EXALT! - Exalt the Lord Jesus through praise and prayer! Raise the banner of Hope (Jesus)!

  6. SERVE! - Serve like Jesus! Be His Voice, Hands and Feet in this world! Give freely!

  7. GO! - Make disciples of all nations!

“And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectation of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love.”

- 1 Corinthians 13:13 AMP

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