There is so much to write here. Briefly though, God has established principles. When God establishes a principle according to His will, He abides by them. That is why the word of God is such an authority. God will not go against His own word.
So, that being established, here is a principle that God will not violate. God uses a creature to deal with another creature. He will never lower Himself to the level of the creature and deal with that creature directly. Instead, He uses another creature.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent - He is the Almighty which is, which was and which is to come (Revelation 1:8). Who can stand against Him?
So, Jehovah God became a man (a creature) - The Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14; Isaiah 9:6; Romans 9:5; Phil. 2). Yes, The Lord Jesus is God Almighty. So, God became a man and He walked this earth as the Son of Man. Note that although He is the Son of God, He walked and overcame the world and destroyed the devil as a man.
The Lord Jesus destroyed the devil as a man. The fulfillment of the prophecy as seen in Genesis 3:15. Christ is the Seed of the woman. The Seed of the woman would crush the serpent on his head. The Lord Jesus did this. Now He looks to His church (the believers in Christ) to also overcome the world by keeping the faith, running the race and enduring until the end.
Now you may ask why. God has chosen to limit Himself to the church - All encapsulated by the Scripture in Matthew 18:18 (not the only one) - Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Here is a clear indication of the earth controlling heaven. If man does not pray for God’s will to be released on the earth, it won’t happen and God is limited. Not because He cannot move. BUT because He has chosen this according to His will. The bottom line: If we bind on earth, the heavens bind and if we loose on earth, the heavens loose. So, what happens if the church does not bind because it is busy being distracted by satan with all sorts of things (Netflix, football, YouTube, Social Media) - are these evil things? Not necessarily - BUT if it frustrates the Father’s will to be released on the earth, then yes… These things are very evil.
Why does satan attack the prayer of the church - because He knows that God stands with His principles? If the church prays, God moves. So, all satan has to do is to get the church to stop praying. God is forced then to wait for a group of people that would offer themselves willingly in the day of His warfare - and their consecration is a splendor to Him (Psalm 110:3).
Dear brother or sister, whoever reads this. God is gaining that people today. People that would seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. A people that would put God’s need first before their own. A people that would have the testimony of Jesus (not merely lip-service) and it was known of them that they put the Father’s will above their own (Luke 22:42).
I hope it is clearer now. God has chosen this way. The way God puts an end to the devil is through you (If you have repented and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ) - remember that the Seed of the woman crushes the head of the serpent. Is that Seed not in you (Gal 2:20; John 20:22; Col. 1:27)? Read Isaiah 53 very carefully - there is a great revelation near the end of the chapter.
Please read the verse references.
I encourage you to read a book Watchman Nee wrote/spoke, “The Prayer Ministry of the Church”. You can find it on this link: